Betawriters website is Public writing platform. We allow people to share there original content.
We try hard that content posted on our website is original and is not copyright. If you feel that your copyright work has been copied and posted in such a way that it leads to copyright infringement then please let us know the following information:-
a) Original content information
b) Your name, email address, postal address, & mobile number
c) A statement that information provided by you is correct to your knowledge and if you are not the original copyright owner then you are authorized to act on his behalf
Send us the requested information at betawriterscare@gmail.com We will take the appropriate action as per Copyright law and we will give Credit or Remove the content from our website as per you Request.
Note- People are requested to post there origional Work only.BETAWRITERS holds no responsibility for plagiarized content posted by a User other then Betawriters Team.